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Relax and see real skin concern results with the latest professional advanced range of affordable and safe laser treatments.


At Your Personal Doctor, we understand that every client has his or her own unique goals. That is why we personalize our approach for every client, based on his or her individual needs. Our customized approach has helped our clients realize their goal of achieving a naturally refreshed look. We provide these results and individual care at an incredible value.


We encourage you to take your first step in realizing your goal. We are looking forward to meeting you.





Call today to schedule your free consultation. 847-818-7700.

Take the first step to look as young as you feel.


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A laser is a beam of high-energy light that can be precisely controlled. It can remove veins and blemishes with little or no effect on surrounding skin. Scars can be improved and acne lesions controlled.

Non Ablative Lasers

The laser beam passes through the translucent skin surface without damaging it and affects the structures beneath. This reduces the risk of scarring.

Ablative Lasers

The laser beam directly interacts with the skin surface causing physical removal of skin layers. Causes an abrasive effect on the skin leaving it raw.

Dr. Olga Zarkh has been using lasers of various types to affect changes in skin texture, appearance and quality for more than 10 years. She currently has multiple lasers available to her in her office for the treatment of various types of skin conditions. These include:

Non Ablative Lasers:

  • Laser used for congenital blemishes, port wine stains, scar reduction, acne reduction, rosacea treatment
  • Laser used for reduction in blood vessels, removal of skin lesions without scarring, producing new skin collagen for skin tightening, stretch mark reduction
  • Laser used to remove dark pigmented lesions, brown spots, lighten dark under eye circles
  • The most effective hair reduction laser


laser cosmetic treatmentA proprietary protocol for skin rejuvenation developed after more than 10 years of experience with lasers - Dr. Olga Zarkh, MD

Dr. Olga Zarkh's 10 plus years of experience and hundreds of patient laser treatments includes pigment lasers, blemish lasers, vein reduction lasers, hair reduction lasers and skin rejuvenation lasers. Treatment strategy is individualized for each patient. Our goal is to provide the best result for that person based on their skin type and condition. Laser treatment protocol was developed to provide a predictable, comfortable and cost effective means of rejuvenating the skin. Treatments are performed in the doctor's office. Treatment strategies are individualized for each individual patient to obtain the best possible result.

Why we get wrinkles

As the body ages, our skin gradually loses skin structure and firmness. This is a result of loss of collagen from the skin. Collagen is the mortar that holds the skin structure together. The activities we enjoy, including exposure to wind, sun and just plain living can accelerate this process.

How non ablative lasers correct skin problems

The use of non ablative lasers has become safe, inexpensive and efficient. Today, there are many lasers designed to safely pass light rays through the skin surface. As the laser light shines deep into the skin, it interacts with blood vessels and other structures that attract its color. As a result, heat is produced that the body interprets as an injury and healing processes begin. These events occur with no visible sign on the skin surface. A constant stream of cold air that blows on the skin makes the treatments very comfortable. No topical anesthetics or coloring agents are needed. Patients apply makeup immediately after the treatment and may return to work.

Over the next few weeks as the body goes through its normal healing process new collagen is formed. The new collagen produces skin tightening, improvement in skin texture, more even color and softening of wrinkles. Since the laser treatment is very mild, more than one treatment is needed and the results are usually not seen for weeks to several months after treatment.

How often and how many treatments

Four to six treatments seems to be ideal to produce a 30% - 50% improvement in skin texture, wrinkle softening and skin color. Each treatment causes a little more improvement, so there is no specific interval for treatment that is recommended. Most patients choose to do their treatment on a two to four week schedule. The improvement in skin elasticity also makes other skin tightening procedures more effective. Results begin to appear after 4-6 weeks and continue for months.

Are there other ways of reducing wrinkles?

In the past, the only method of replacing lost collagen was to irritate or abrade the skin. In this process, the upper layer of skin was removed using a chemical or a mechanical tool. Procedures such as dermabrasion, destructive laser treatments, chemical peeling, freezing and the use of irritating medications will cause a change in skin surface that includes smoothness, tightness and an improved texture. However, these types of treatments can cause the skin to be red, raw and swollen with the need for anesthesia and considerable down time. In addition, these more invasive techniques may cause scarring and loss of pigmentation.

Is the treatment uncomfortable?

Each time the laser pulses, the laser light produces heat beneath the skin surface. The amount of discomfort for patients varies. Most patients rate the discomfort as less than 1 on a scale of 1 to 10. Many patients find it helpful to use a topical numbing cream on their skin prior to the treatment. A special numbing cream can be purchased from the office. For maximum effectiveness, the numbing cream should be applied to clean skin (all makeup removed) prior to the treatment.

Will my insurance cover any of the procedure?

In some cases, removal of skin lesions and treatment of rosacea, skin growths and other skin treatments are covered by insurance carriers. You should discuss this with Dr. Olga Zarkh prior to the procedure to obtain more specific information.

Will the laser treatments remove my wrinkles?

Deep wrinkles will be softened by the laser but not completely removed. Patients commonly report a 30% - 50% improvement in skin texture with softening of wrinkles, tightening of creepy skin and improvement in skin color and texture. Complete removal of wrinkles (96% gone) requires a deeper treatment or some type of filler. Pretreatment with the laser makes other deeper treatments more successful and longer lasting by improving the overall condition of the skin.

How can I compare my skin before and after treatment?

Prior to beginning treatment, close up photos of the proposed treatment areas are taken so that the after treatment result can be compared with the pre treatment state. Since some of the effects are subtle, it requires good photos of the skin condition before treatment to make a fair comparison. Improvement also continues even after the treatments are discontinued. Many patients evaluated 6-8 months after treatment will notice continuing improvement.

Can the laser do other things?

The same laser used to produce new collagen can be used to erase small blood vessels, treat rosacea and remove small skin growths. In addition, with different settings it will reduce hair growth and remove veins on the face and body. A favorite treatment of the patients is the removal of the small red spider veins around the nose. Larger veins around the eye can also be diminished in size.

How should I prepare my skin before the treatment?

Either before arriving at the office or upon coming to the office you should thoroughly cleanse your skin removing all makeup, mascara, etc. The makeup in the pores of your skin can react with the laser light treatment and cause some mild discomfort. Many patients find it helpful to have a facial skin treatment with cleansing. This can be done on the day before or the day of the procedure. Make-up can be applied immediately after the treatment.

Will the treatment remove rosacea, blood vessels and other small skin lesions?

During the treatment, Dr. Olga Zarkh will focus on small skin growths, blood vessels and rosacea. Treatment of these areas may produce slightly more redness in the first 24 hours following the post treatment.

Can I have a skin peel at the same time as the treatment?

In most cases a very light chemical skin peel will be performed before the procedure is done. This allows a little more exfoliation and penetration of the laser. The slight redness reaction to the peel makes the skin a better target for the laser.  You may discuss with the doctor whether you want this to be performed. The skin peel produces a slightly longer period of recovery of the skin for peeling and dryness.

What can I expect in the post treatment period?

Because the untreated skin is thinner with more sun damage, the first few skin treatments may cause more reaction than later treatments. Patients can expect a few areas of redness and some flakiness of the upper layers of skin that lasts for a few days. We will apply hydrocortisone cream to your face immediately after your treatment and give you a small amount to take home. Additional cream can be purchased over the counter (1% hydrocortisone cream USP). Patients are advised to use the hydrocortisone cream on the skin for the first few days after treatment to reduce redness and flaking. In most cases makeup can be applied immediately. Your skin care program (we strongly recommend the skin care offered in our office) can be continued throughout the healing period without difficulty.

What happens when I come into the office for my treatment?

You should cleanse your skin several times before coming to the office for your treatment. Mascara should also be removed since it can react with the laser light to produce excess heat and can interfere with penetration of the laser light into the skin. If you have placed topical anesthetic on the skin this will not interfere with the activity of the topical anesthesia.


Special precautions are taken to protect your eyes and personnel  who will be in the room. Everyone in the room wears special glasses or eye shields. Our practice meets the standards of the AAAHC (www.aaahc.org) for laser safety. Lasers are maintained and calibrated on a regular basis and a technician is available at all times during the procedure.

The procedure will either be performed by Dr. Olga Zarkh or one of his experienced staff. Initial laser settings are verified by Dr. Olga Zarkh prior to each treatment. It is common for herto apply a test pulse to herself as a last safety check before treatment. The laser is pulsed in multiple spots over the area for complete coverage (like turning a flashlight off and on each time). Each pulse feels like being snapped with a rubber band. Cold air is applied over the skin during the treatment to provide comfort and to protect the skin from heat produced when the laser light contacts the hair root. Afterwards, the skin may be slightly red. Occasionally irritation and blistering may occur. A soothing cream will be placed on the skin after treatment. Irritation may last for several days.

Contact us

If you are interested in learning more about laser treatments, call or email our office or leave your name and address on this web page and we will be happy to answer your questions.



Just about everyone has a few obvious brown spots on their skin. Freckles, "age spots", "liver spots" and various birthmarks are just a few of the commonly known marks, generally referred to as pigmented lesions. Although most brown spots are easily ignored, many are quite conspicuous and can detract from your skin's natural beauty.

Melanin (dark pigment in the skin) gives skin its color. Dark or light complexioned, we all have varying amounts of melanin.

Pigmented lesions are dark in color simply because melanin is abnormally concentrated in one area of the skin. High concentrations of melanin can be due to various factors. Some types are present at birth, but most occur with age or as a result of overexposure to the sun's damaging rays.

Pigmented lesions can be successfully lightened or removed with modern laser technology. A laser removes pigmented lesions with the energy of light, leaving lighter color skin alone. Pigmented lesions are either lightened or removed when the laser light passes through the skin but is absorbed by abnormal concentrations of melanin.

Dr. Olga Zarkh has been using lasers for skin treatments for more than 10 years. The laser used by Dr. Zarkh is one of the most advanced lasers available for the removal of pigmented lesions. It provides a combination of specific light color and rapid pulses that provides maximum removal of darker melanin pigment spots and leaves normal skin alone.


How many treatments will it take?

The number of treatments will depend on the depth and amount of the melanin pigment. Most brown or black spots can be completely removed with 3-4 treatments.

Does the treatment hurt?

Each laser pulse causes heat when it contacts melanin pigment. This discomfort can range from a mild snapping sensation to more discomfort. Some patients tolerate treatments without any topical or local anesthesia. Dr. Zarkh can provide either topical or injectible anesthetic to make you comfortable during treatment. Constant cold air is applied to the skin during treatment to make you more comfortable.

Will any of the melanin pigment remain after treatment?

With enough treatments, the pigment can be completely removed. Some patients are satisfied with fading and partial removal. Some want complete removal. Overaggressive treatments can cause scarring and undesirable result. The goal is to gradually fade the discoloration and avoid a scar if possible.

How often are treatments performed?

Treatments can be performed as often as every two weeks or less frequently if desired. The melanin pigment continues to fade in between each treatment. This interval allows skin healing and fading to maximize before the next treatment.

What types of brown spots or pigmented lesions will the laser remove?

The laser is most commonly used for removing brown age spots, liver spots, freckles and many brown birthmarks. Dr. Zarkh will identify your specific type of lesion and discuss the removal success rate associated with it. IMPORTANT: The laser cannot be used for the removal of pigmented lesions that are cancerous or suspected of being cancerous. If there is any doubt, your physician will discuss the appropriate treatment methods with you.

Why doesn't the laser remove my normal skin pigmentation also?

Laser light selectively targets dark concentrations of melanin pigment. Your body's natural regenerative system will replace normal melanin pigment after the abnormal concentrations of melanin are removed. This allows your skin to return to its natural state.

Can the excess pigmentation come back?

Common pigmented lesions do not return. Some birthmarks may return after a period of several months to a year. However, the procedure can be repeated with similar results.

What type of post-treatment care is necessary?

An antibacterial ointment will be initially applied to the area. A shower can be taken the same day, but avoid scrubbing the treated area. Since most common pigmented lesions are caused by exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, it is imperative that you always wear sunscreen. Failure to wear a protective sunscreen will allow more sun damage to occur and can result in new pigmented lesions. Dr. Zarkh will recommend the appropriate level of Sunscreen for your specific skin type.


Special precautions are taken to protect your eyes and personnel who will be in the room. Everyone wears special glasses or eye shields. Our practice meets the standards of the AAAHC (www.aaahc.org) for laser safety. Lasers are maintained and calibrated on a regular basis and a technician is available at all times during the procedure.

The procedure will either be performed by Dr. Zarkh or one of her experienced staff. Initial laser settings are verified by Dr. Zarkh prior to each treatment. It is common for her to apply a test pulse to herself as a last safety check before treatment. The laser is pulsed in multiple spots over the area for complete coverage (like turning a flashlight off and on each time). Each pulse feels like being snapped with a rubber band. Cold air is applied over the skin during the treatment to provide comfort and to protect the skin from heat produced when the laser light contacts the hair root. Afterwards, the skin may be slightly red. Occasionally irritation and blistering may occur. A soothing cream will be placed on the skin after treatment. Irritation may last for several days.

Contact us

If you are interested in learning more about laser treatments for pigmented lesions, call or email our office or leave your name and address on this web page and we will be happy to answer your questions.

Interested in learning more about LASER TREATMENTS?


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